EP Review: Big O – “Nothing is the Same”

Hello Pillarverse and welcome to another Music Monday!

Today we look at “Nothing is the Same” by Big O, a Hip Hop Punk Rock project from Idaho. “Nothing is the Same” contains 3 tracks and is just under 10 minutes long. The EP is unique because it makes use of a different producer for each track. This contributes heavily to variety in the sound throughout the EP. The flow and vocal style reminds me of Beastie Boys and Run DMC. I feel the Beastie Boys comparison makes sense due to the fact that they have roots in the punk scene as well.

The first track “It’s Music” has the most interesting instrumentation to me due to the clear eastern styling that it incorporates. The track also contains the most memorable chorus on the album. The second track “That’s just what it is” kept me going with its jazz influenced instrumental. It also shows off the lyrical speed of the artist by having the fastest verse. “The last track and namesake of the EP “Nothing is the Same” feels the most experimental and trance-like in its instrumentation.  The guest vocals on the track add to this feeling because they are a part of the first time anything really slows down on the EP and it blends well with the track itself creating a spacey, trance like feeling.

The album is an interesting piece because it shows you the variety of styles that the artist can work in vocally while still giving you an overall sense of his own personal style. The EP does feel a little unrelated to itself as a result as the tracks feel like they don’t necessarily have to be a part of the same record. Regardless, this EP’s variety gives a reason to pay attention to the future of Big O if any of the styles really capture your ear. Definitely give it a listen even if it is just for curiosity’s sake because 10 minutes of your time is definitely worth it for a chance to discover something you might really enjoy.


The album is available on bandcamp: http://bigomusic.bandcamp.com/album/nothing-is-the-same

Be sure to like Big O on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bigonw

Cole McGinley (Twitter: @ColeMcGinley & Instagram: @looseknotslaw)

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